Patrick McGraw

Photo: Terry L. Photgraphy
I am a Toronto-based composer of contemporary concert music including chamber, vocal, wind ensemble and electroacoustic works. My musical thinking is sometimes directly influenced by my previous background in theoretical physics. At other times the connection between those two interests is farther below the surface, but both are driven by the impulse to share an experience of beauty.
10/02/2021: Watch this space for dates of two premieres in spring 2022!
04/10/2021: Excited to be one of the Canadian finalists chosen for Emily Hiemstra's New Works for Solo Viola Project!
02/08/2021: Welcome to my newly redesigned website! Looking forward to participating in the Splice Institute this summer. A couple of exciting collaborations in the works with Blythwood Winds and the Goodchild-Grady clarinet/percussion duo, with generous support from the Canada Council for the Arts and Toronto Arts Council. Premiere dates TBA once it is safe to hold in-person concerts again. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy!